Now that most of the scars have been healed from working at First NLC, I can't help but laugh when a Google Search for N**l Hen****l's name returns this blog as the number one result!
For those of you who are looking for info on our former benevolent leader, I urge you to check out the blog entries from '07-'08. You'll find lots of interesting bits of information about how this company was run straight into the ground by petty decision-makers and short-sightedness. And believe me, it all started right at the top.
I rarely have any info to report on the company these days, aside from the fact that it appears as a black hole in many former staffers' employment records. I'm curious, though - how many people have removed First NLC from their resumes altogether? I know some folks who were with the company less than a year before they started shutting things down - would they still be willing to deal with the BS of trying to track down records of employment and explaining how they were duped into thinking a company that was moving into plush new offices in T Rex was actually legit and well-managed?
I'm seriously considering looking for a new job now that the market is starting to improve, but I'm wondering what I'm going to tell everybody about First NLC, which is the last company I worked at prior to my current one. Shucks, I don't even know who I could use as a reputable reference, considering how many questionable individuals were on the various management teams.
At this point, about the only thing First NLC is good for is showing that you stayed employed and paid the bills during that particular time in your life. Other than that, it remains an organization I wish I never worked for.