Thursday, August 23, 2007

Who's Left To Lay Off?

First NLC makes the local paper again, and it's not good news:

"First NLC Financial Services is shedding 154 workers in Boca Raton."

I'm not sure if the author is referring to layoffs that have already happened, or if this is a new announcement...


Anna Nonymous said...

I can't even count 154 people in the office right now...

anon4this said...

However many are left, I wonder if they know they're just part of the final mess cleanup.

This company will be back in 8-15 years but the cleanup folk wont.

Unless you're family that is.

Toobad said...

I truly hope the company survives these trying times and I hope the employees still on the payroll are rewarded for their efforts.

Toobad said...

If this company is doing FHA loans then I believe they have a chance at surviving this mess. I attended a class back in January where the speaker talked about FHA and why it was important to be FHA certified. From what I heard, it looked like FHA was going to take over the subprime loans.

yoko said...

There should only be about 139 people left in that building. I got that list of people the selected to stay/let go and I counted about 139. Anyway, Good luck everyone. This job hunting/interviewing sucks.

nlcfool said...

yeah..they let me go on the aug 1st sweep...i still dont have a job, and they were still saying that they were once again "not doing any more layoffs" as they were ushering me out the door...whatever...i was miserable so i can only call it a blessing, they had a habit of hiring incompetents all the way up the managerial ladder and then wondered why no one was doing any business...they can blame it on the market because its mostly to blame, but they definitly helped by bringing the worst possible candidates to the teams which led to the branches demise. At this point i would not doubt it was on purpose to make it easier to shut us down when the time came.."look how badly they were doing...obviously we should shut this one down"...they cantered to their own demise. and they ignored us every step of the way.

Mark Manning said...

I love this blog! It's well needed as that company is a joke. I worked there as an AE for a guy name Dex. He was actually really good and was supposed to be promoted to the Sales Mgr and instead those idiots ( Dave Rigman and co ) brought in some outsider named Tom Sutton. The kid had no experience whatsoever and was the most inept Sales Mgr that I ever met. He was like a red-neck from KY. Many of the seasoned AE's lost interest in First NLC real quick. But I blame Dave Stigman for not promoting Dex Leonard as I would have went out of my way for Dex. He was the man for the job and they shafted him so I took my accounts and business to the competitor. I knew it was just a matter of time before these guys bit the dust! They deserve it!

Robert Paredes said...

Mark Manning ... At least you have the balls to put your name on this blog when you're calling people out. HOWEVER, you're still an idiot!

First of all, you misspell Dave's name not once, but twice. On top of that, you misspell Todd Sutton's as well. Who's the redneck now? Moron!

I know Dex and he's very talented and does deserve to be a regional sales manager. However, I know Todd as well and he can run circles around your dumbass when it comes to putting a loan together. As for Dave and company, it was very sad for me to leave the company since I enjoyed working with them and the rest of the Tampa Ops Team. It was PURELY economics.

Finally, the seasoned AEs left because of limited products to sell not because of Todd.

By the way, I've never seen your name stand out in any of the sales reports. I guess you were a less than mediocre AE - at best.

Mark Manning said...

Listen Robert Parades! I’m not a moron!!! I have 25 years in the Real Estate industry. I may not have been a top producer but I also was only working part time. I have other businesses to run and and I only worked there for a short time. If I wanted to be a producer I could have. I was doing loans before their managers graduated grom 1st grade and I’m pretty sure his name was Tom? I’d have to do my research but I think that was him. Tha nks Muron!!

Greg said...

Pretty Funny Robert - hope you are doing well...

I agree - you tend to lose credibilty when ripping someone's work ethic and you don't even know their names. I think even Dex would agree that Todd was top-notch.

My two cents - speaking from my experiences only, I found my management team honest, fair and ethical. When faced with a decision that has a positivie effect on the company but negatively effects the worker, those are the toughest decisions and I seen management struggle with those decisions. I've been in meetings where every option is discussed and sometimes, there are no better options. It's not a fun situation for anyone. I'm sure some of you have legitimate gripes, but we do not need to be attacking everyone in the company, especially those we do not even know well enough to know their names.

Mark Manning said...

Maybe I don’t know their names! Robert Peradez is the one calling people out. I didn’t misspell anybodies name! It was Dave Trigman and Tom Sutton. I have no idea who those people are that he’s talking about but if I were them, I would be pissed that Robert Peradez put their names out on this forum. It’s people like Robert Peradez that blame things on a weak economy when guys like myself are still depositing $15,000+ monthly checks from this industry. Don’t get mad at me because you’re unemployed. I just happen to like the person that founded this blog. I think that person is brilliant!!

Desolate said...

In working there over 3 years, I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Dave Brigman only twice. But, his name is definately Brigman.

I was out of Chicago, didn't have the opportunity to meet either Tom or Todd Sutton, couldn't say.

Funny though :)

NotMyRealName said...

I'm sure, so sure. It's Todd Sutton, Dexter Leonard, and Dave Brigman. That would be the correct spelling.

I reread the linked article and I am sure that they are talking about the past layoff as they've NEVER announced one in advance to the media.

I for one support First NLC continuing on in there work. I had a lot of friends there and I hope everyone is well. It's a rough market for loan processors etc right now, so I hope it lasts as long as possible.

I was a little wounded when I left too, but I find that life is significantly better now without that position and my nievete that I would be able to retire from there a very old lady.

Good luck to everyone searching for work I hope you have the best revenge of all which I am sure you know is living well. I wish everyone pay raises and good health and that goes for the folks still working there as well.

Robert Paredes said...

Oh man, this is too easy!

Mark, Mark, Mark:

Not only are you a moron, but you're also a jerk.

Again, after I post their correct names, you STILL misspell them. On top of that, you misspell my name even if my post CLEARLY shows how to spell it. So, I guess with your $15k deposit every month, you must have some incredible products or you know how to "structure" loans since obviously, you have no "attention to detail". Your entry says that "they should be pissed at Robert Peradez (sic) putting their names out there". This is too funny. Yo Mark, weren't you the one who initially called them out? One more thing, wrong spelling and use of "anybodies". If you use this word as a possessive, the correct spelling is "anybody's". Man, it's like fish in a barrel with you! Enough said.

On to the next:

I've been reading all the entries on this blog for awhile and have pretty much stayed out of it BECAUSE:

No matter who is at fault, people's lives are at stake and it's not fun being broke. For you to brag about your $15k deposit per month pretty much sums you up. Karma's a bitch and for you to rub it in is just beyond me. Remember, this industry is very tight knit and you just never know who your next boss would be. Believe me, I won't forget your name and neither Dave, Todd nor any of the other executives at First NLC.

Blaming it on the economy? It's AE's like you who has no regard for a borrower's ability to pay the mortgage back is part of the problem. I bet you turn in files that are really ugly, pressure your acct. mgr to close it "yesterday", piss off your underwriter since you've "been in the business for 25+ years" and think that you know it all and then QUIT after a few weeks since someone is actually challenging you on your sanity for turning ugly files in the first place.

Also, how did you expect to be successful when you were just working part-time? How can you say the company sucked when you didn't even try?

I have no qualms on this blog. This is America and anyone has the right to vent, etc. However, if you do so, don't get mad if you get challenged.

Also, and I mean this, I hope that everyone who were displaced or going to be displaced find a job as quick as possible.

Hey Greg: Say “hello” to the rest and good luck with the “FHA” thing. I’m glad I made you laugh. I’m sure you could’ve used it.

And Mark, if I were you, I’d quit while you’re behind since I will rip you apart anytime you answer back. YOU are your own worst nightmare!

anon4this said...

RE: Mark Manning,

You should take Rob's advice. It is a very tight knit industry. I think you burned a bridge or two or maybe twenty with your comments.

As far as Dave Brigman goes, he's a good guy. I won't speak for the rest, some are jerk some aren’t. First NLC had a lot of unsellable shitty products but you can’t blame it all on Dave. He's just doing his job to the best of his ability.

You want to place blame? Place it on the senior Henschel. He's the one who calls the shots.

Toobad said...

anon4his: How can you judge someone while you remain anonymous? You are the biggest hypocrite to voice your opinion about Mark Manning who has the guts to print his name and voice his opinion while you remain anonymous and judge him. I have more respect for Mark then I have for you.

shatsa01 said...

Well now, you will be lucky to count 55 people. Friday around 11am they laid off about 65 employees. Their is nothing left but upper management. Its only a matter of time before they go under. The people tht are left better look for a job.

Unknown said...

I was linked to this blog through MI and have to say it was very entertaining reading this! I wish you all the best of luck!

anon4this said...

Whoops, once again I have offended "toobad"

Hmm, too bad.

Mark Manning might have just committed industry suicide for the next 10 years. I'm a little smarter than that, hence the "anon" moniker.

It's a pity you couldn’t figure that one out on your own "toobad".

Unknown said...


Why don’t you crawl back under the rock you came out of and wait for intructions?

Instead of spending your time defending and ars kissing the henschels, concentrate on making your money loosing project work…aka “The Dialer” remember that one billie?

It baffles the imagination how can someone with your skill set be can be called an IT Project Manager.

It is an insult to all the konwedgeable and hard working project managers. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being.

The henschels should change your title to Senior Ars Kisser in charge.

Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo U Billie

Unknown said...

Status of case
Updated 8/23/2007
First NLC Update
We have signed a settlement agreement with First NLC and have a hearing date on September 25, 2007 in order to get preliminary approval for the settlement from the Court. If the agreement is approved, we will be sending out notice to all participants soon after that date detailing the settlement. You do not need to inquire regarding the status of the settlement documents or funds disbursement, since we will notify you as soon as possible regarding such. On the other hand, please make sure to update us with any change of address or contact information so that we are able to provide your settlement documents and funds to you in a timely manner, once the Court approves the agreement. You can email any address or contact information changes to Lucas Kaster at, or call 415-277-7237.

Updated 7/20/2007
First NLC Update
We are very close to reaching a settlement agreement with First NLC. We are still working out the details of the proposed agreement and will be sending out information to you when necessary to finalize the settlement of your case. Because of this, we would appreciate your assistance during the coming months. Please make sure to update us with any change of address or contact information so that we are able to provide your settlement documents and funds to you in a timely manner. You can email any address or contact information changes to Lucas Kaster at or call 415-277-7237.

Updated 4/5/2007
First NLC: Update
First NLC recently provided us with a list of approximately 1300 additional names of eligible employees that were omitted from a previous Court ordered list. The case has also expanded to include branch processors, senior loan officers and team leaders. We have mailed notice of the case to these 1300 people who have until May 22, 2007 to return their Consent forms and join the case.

Updated 2/22/2007
First NLC Class Includes More Than 1200 People
The initial deadline to join the First NLC case has passed and over 1200 current and former loan officers, processors and account managers opted-into this action to recover unpaid overtime. NKA has now requested the Court?s intervention to re-open the Consent period.

Updated 2/9/2007
First NLC case: deadline to join is February 12, 2007
Over 1100 current and former loan officers, loan processors and account managers have joined the case against First NLC seeking to recover unpaid overtime compensation. The last day to join the case is February 12, 2007. If you were a loan officer, loan processor, or account manager for any First NLC office at any time within the past three years and you worked overtime, please contact us as soon as possible at (877) 448-0492 x 265 or fax your consent form to us at (612) 215-6870. Please click here for a copy of the consent form. Our office will be open over the weekend if you have any questions.

Updated 1/25/2007
First NLC case nearing 1,000 clients.
The number of clients involved in the lawsuit has grown to over 850 people, but we still have not reached everyone. The Court has set the deadline to join the case for February 11, 2007. This opt-in phase of your case is critical, so be sure to tell all eligible, current and former co-workers to send in their Consent forms before the deadline. Please also inform all current First NLC employees that any form of retaliation by First NLC for joining the lawsuit is completely illegal. If you or anyone you know has experienced any retaliation or intimidation as a result of this lawsuit, contact us immediately. Furthermore, please notify us immediately if you are aware of any eligible individuals who did not receive the Court?s order with the consent form to join this suit by calling (877) 448-0492.

Updated 12/22/2006
First NLC
On December 13, 2006, NKA mailed to nearly 3,000 current and former First NLC loan officers, processors, and account managers the Court-approved notice of our collective action seeking unpaid overtime. Since then, hundreds have contacted NKA to join this suit and reclaim their lost wages. If you worked in one of these positions at First NLC within the past three years, please send in your consent form today. Each day you delay may be a day worth of lost overtime pay! If you should have, but did not, receive the Court's notice, contact NKA immediately at (877) 448-0492. Also, if you have been retaliated against by First NLC in any way for participating in this lawsuit - or have been intimidated by First NLC regarding joining the lawsuit - contact us immediately. Any type of retaliation or intimidation of this nature is unlawful.

Updated 12/6/2006
First NLC
We recently met with First NLC's attorneys and the judge overseeing this case to finalize the judicial notice that will be sent out to all of the loan officers, processors and account managers who work/have worked at First NLC within the last three years. We expect to receive the list from First NLC by December 8, 2006. This is an exciting time as the case activity will intensify once we have received the list from First NLC. Your case against First NLC continues to grow at an amazing pace -- the number of current and former employees who have joined the case has risen to 236 (as of December 4, 2006) and continues to grow almost everyday.

Updated 11/3/2006
Judge Grants Conditional Certification of First NLC Class
NKA and Rukin, Hyland & Doria, of San Francisco, represent a nationwide group of loan officers, loan processors, and account managers who are or have been employed by the First NLC corporation any time in the last three years (or four years in California). The group seeks to recover unpaid overtime and other wages they were improperly denied. A District Court Judge in California has just granted conditional certification of this class, over First NLC's strenuous objections, so that official, Court-sponsored notice will be sent to the thousands of employees who hold or have held these positions. For more information, please call 877-448-0492.

Updated 9/25/2006
First NLC
The date for the hearing of the Motion for Conditional Certification has been set for October 31, 2006 and we are very optimistic. The ruling on this motion will determine if Defendants must produce a list of all current and former loan officers, processors and account managers for the purposes of notifying them about this lawsuit. In the meantime, please contact us if you have any information you feel is relevant and/or if you have any documents you think may assist us in this case. We now have over 160 former and current employees of First NLC signed up for the case and more people are signing up every day. Please be sure to return to us a signed copy of your Legal Services Agreement and keep us informed of any changes to your contact information. If you know of anyone else who would like more information on joining this case please have them contact us as soon as possible.

Updated 8/23/2006
First NLC Financial Services, LLC
The Court in the Northern District of California approved the merger of the Colorado and California actions. We submitted our Motion for Conditional Certification and Judicial Notice with the Court and we are waiting for a ruling to determine if the case can proceed as a collective class action and if Defendant will be required to provide us with a list of all current and former retail loan officers, loan processors, and account managers. We are also happy to report that former and current employees of First NLC are joining the case at a roaring pace, as we currently have close to 140 clients. There is still time to join this case and make a claim for your unpaid overtime compensation. Please contact us at (877) 448-0492.

Updated 8/10/2006
First NLC Financial Services, LLC
We are currently waiting for the Court in the Northern District of California to approve the merger of the Colorado and California actions. At this time, close to 120 individuals have joined the two lawsuits. If you know of anyone who like more information regarding this lawsuit, please have them contact us immediately.

Updated 5/17/2006
First NLC Financial Services, LLC
We filed an Amended Complaint to include Account Managers in this lawsuit.

Updated 5/16/2006
First NLC Financial Services, LLC
We filed our Complaint with the Court in May 2006 and we are waiting for First NLC to answer. In the meantime, if you have any lists or names of current or former loan officers, loan processors or account managers, please send them to us immediately so that we can notify these individuals of this lawsuit. With each day that passes, these individuals may be losing a day of overtime pay.

Updated 5/8/2006
First NLC Financial Services, LLC
We filed a complaint against First NLC Financial Services, LLC on behalf of loan officers, loan processors and account managers who were denied overtime compensation. Please contact us at 877-448-0492 for more information.

Change of address and/or telephone
To update your address and telephone number, please contact us at:

Nichols Kaster & Anderson, PLLP
Attn: Andrew Chase
4600 IDS Center
80 South 8th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
Toll Free Telephone: 877-448-0492
Telephone: 612-256-3200
Facsimile: 612-215-6870

Anonymous said...

I am a former employee as well and there was yet ANOTHER layoff on August 31- there are now less than 80 employees at Corporate in Boca and no telling how many got the ax in the retail branches...

whatthef said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


To all current and former FNLC employees:

Please be aware that William Guillis is a two face hypocrite who will stab you in the back the second he gets a chance. Do not trust him or believe anything he says.

His lies and brown nosing cost me my job.

Sean said...

Looks like a bunch of egos are getting in the way here. I have never seen such immature bashing in my life. I don’t know any of you people (going back and forth) but can only imagine what type of people you are. I am embarrassed reading this, sounds like a playground argument over whos fault it was your team lost at kickball. I truly believe your fellow employees are reading this and thinking the same thing. I agree with the comment earlier that you never know who your next boss will and looks like there are a bunch of bridges being burned here.
Personal opinion… quit trying to get the in last word, move on and GROW UP!!

to each his own said...

No egos getting in the way here!!!!!!!. Is this not a public blog?????? So why be so critical? No one is forcing anyone to read this blog. There are certainly a great number of unemployed people in the sub prime industry. I would say 95% of the people laid off from FNLC still remain unemployed to this date. And the future does not look good!!
Let's get real everyone is to blame for the greed that made the sub prime market crash.
I guess the "magin pen days" (ordered by upper - upper management) that made required stips go away, at the end of the month = only made the loans better and more sellable, right?
I hope for our sake FNLC does not continue the practice of the magic pen days, as we start to do FHA loans. I miss all my good friends! I am glad this blog exists and I will continue to read it, regardless of what is posted. The good, bad and or the ugly. No one is forcing me to read this blog. It is a place to vent. Isn't that why any type of a blog is created.